Celebrating 100 Thesis Writing Retreats!

When I organised the first Thesis Writing Retreat back in May 2020 I never imagined that 18-months later we would be celebrating our 100th retreat!

I set up the first Thesis Writing Retreat in response to the COVID-19 lockdown. Writing, even in normal circumstances, can feel a lone endeavour, add in a global pandemic and many writers were reporting feeling isolated and struggling to write. I frequently work with thesis writers through managing the Thesis Mentoring programme and, although there were other writing retreats that were quick to adapt to the pandemic, many of the PGRs I spoke to said they specifically felt isolated from other PGRs. I wanted to help rectify this in some way and thus the idea of creating an online community of thesis writers and a space for them to write together was born.

I’d actually only run one other writing retreat before setting up Thesis Writing Retreats but I’d attended a few and knew that having accountability by writing in a room with others and having scheduled time to write can be very beneficial to writers. From the idea of a writing retreat specifically for thesis writers to running the first one was a fairly quick process as the set-up of writing retreats is in itself fairly simple; you need a room or online space, a timer and someone to announce breaks! However, missing from that list is attendees and what has made the Thesis Writing Retreats so successful is the brilliant attendees we have had, both past and present! They share experiences, offer encouragement, celebrate when members have passed vivas, commiserate when someone is having a difficult day, welcome new members, share tips… the list goes on! The attendees really do make the retreats what they are.

“The time spent at thesis writing retreats is easily the most productive time that I have
all week. They are incredibly helpful and so glad that I found out about them. Thank
you very much”

Thesis Writing Retreat Attendee

Some writers come to almost every retreat, others pop along once in a while but at a typical retreat you will find around 15 of us in a room ready to write. Writers join from all subjects, we have mature students, part-time students, writers with caring responsibilities, writers joining from the UK and others joining from all over the world, writers about to hand in and others just starting. The chances are that if you want to find a writer to exchange notes with or ask for support or tips from the Thesis Writing Retreats are a good place to go. Absolutely everyone is warmly welcomed!

The retreats themselves follow the Pomodoro technique; 25-minutes writing independently followed by a 5-minute group break. Most retreats are 2-hours long but we also have half-day retreats and some evening retreats. I always try and emphasise that I run these retreats for the attendees, use them how they work and fit best for you! If you can only come to half a retreat? Totally fine! If you need to join late? No problem! If you aren’t feeling up to chatting in the breaks or would prefer to go have a wander or stretch? Go ahead! Want me to share resources specifically of interest to you? Ask away! Joining because you’re looking for accountability and a way to help protect time to write? I send you calendar invites to block out time and schedule in writing!

I’ve learnt a lot from writers over the last 100 retreats and have enjoyed speaking to writers, seeing their progress and watching communities grow. There are no plans to stop these retreats as we return to more familiar routines so if you’re a thesis writer and think that joining a retreat sounds good please come along – we’d love to have you!

Writing retreats – including Thesis Writing Retreats can be booked here. There are two Thesis Writing Retreats held each week.

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