Meet the new team member! Plus: you have every right to be here

Hello, I’m new here! My name is Amy Shaw, I’ve just started as an Academic Developer in the Researcher Development team here at Sheffield. Firstly, this blog is full of *so much* good stuff, I urge you all to look through the back-catalogue because there’s gold in them there archives, I tell ya. Secondly, the fact there is so much good stuff here did mean that I broke into a cold sweat when it was my turn to bring wisdom to the table. However, that moment of feeling intimidated was, in itself, worthy of writing about.

Completing my fellowship outcomes with TRAM

Overall, the TRAM programme is supporting the completion of fellowship outcomes. It has strengthened my approach to project planning for the various fellowship activities such as fieldwork, workshop organising and funding proposal development. In addition, the leadership and team building lessons are supporting the activities for network-building, as a fellowship outcome, for knowledge exchange and dissemination.